American Liberty Republic
The New American Renaissance

Since 2001

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” 
Mark Twain

"Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted."
Albert Pike

“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.”
― Thomas Paine, A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America

       American Liberty Republic

    Knowledge is an Inert Power that Requires Action

2024 National Election

Many Presidents in the United States were Statesmen and Idealists.

As Citizens go to the Polls, questions arisen: Where are the statesmen and women? Where is Idealism, Honor, Respect, Ethics? Who is actually voting? Who are the puppet masters today? Read More World in Chaos

What you need to know
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Abraham Lincoln

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 

Hunger: Fact, Fiction, Lies, or Myth?
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Florida: Republican Voters Outnumber Democrats 
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Secret Service “abandoned her post"
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VP ChiCom??
No wonder he would not serve overseas.

City Takeovers?
Has the insurrection began?

                                Second Amendment Rights

NRA For Kids

Our New Friend PARKER asks: How does the NRA help kids?

The NRA has been actively involved in promoting the shooting sports to youth since 1903. There are a wide variety of youth programs including competitions, awards and contests, training and safety courses, scholarships, and more.

NRA helps to... Read More

Join and Renew
and SAVE $$

"This country was founded on freedom. And now it’s my generation’s turn to defend it. That’s why I joined NRA."
Samantha W., Omaha, NE

Join and Renew Today

The NRA is the leader in training, information, legal defense of Second Amendment Rights. 

Memberships are important and come with benefits.

Red Herrings

Republican, Conservatives, and Independents Appear to be Chasing Red Herrings just as the Stakes get Higher

The past few months have been traumatizing for Constitutional Americans.

Yet daily we see those Americans undermine Trump, Vance, Israel, religious faiths, while proposing wild theories and false issues, like WDC becoming a state.

“A well-regulated Militia, …”

 The term “militia” mentioned in the Second Amendment's opening line refers to the American people. As George Mason described it: “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials.” [2] 

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. 


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If you are interested in working with your FAL, please fill out the form below or select your state, to find their contact information. FALFORM 

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Hot Topics

Ammunition Assault Weapons and Semi-Automatics Background Checks/NICS Fast & Furious Gun Shows

Protection 2A


Red state's NRA-backed bill to allow armed teachers in classroom one step closer to passage.

New Orleans Tries an End-run around Constitutional Carry

NRA Files Legal Challenge to California’s Excise Tax on Firearm and Ammunition Sales

Know Your States Laws

Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work

Some politicians and gun control proponents argue that these laws are necessary — even at the cost of infringing upon a fundamental American right. But the fact is, gun control doesn’t work the way advocates argue it does.




Kansas: Anti-gun Senator Attempting Procedural Motion to Pass Gun Control Without a Hearing

SB 551 mandates a one-size-fits-all approach to firearm storage, with criminal penalties for violations. TAKE ACTION

Kansas JOCO police support confiscation; Sheriff will oppose confiscation.

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